Make Your Website More Alluring in 4 Easy Steps

blog_alluringsitetnWhat’s in it for me?

Like any of your marketing, your website must answer the question that’s on everyone’s mind: “What will this company do for me?” Rather than focusing on the enhancements to your latest product, talk about how it can actually improve their life.

Here we are, now entertain us.

If visitors to your site find it to be unique and entertaining, they’ll likely stick around.A good way to spruce up your site is to use compelling quotes, pictures, graphics, blog posts, interactivity, etc. This aids you in capturing and converting more leads, as well as increasing traffic from word of mouth.

The people want to be heard.

If your website only provides information, but no way for visitors to interact with you, it feels like a dead end.  They’re likely to turn elsewhere, and that may lead them to your competitors. An easy way to get around this problem is by creating a blog or forum section on your site. This will allow your visitors to offer their opinions and become better engaged with your company.

Everyone loves free stuff.

Start by giving your visitors something for nothing, like a report, ebook, video, coupon, etc. As these visitors begin to interact, you can acquire information like their name and email, or phone number. Just like that, you’ve now got a qualified prospect who is engaged in learning about your product or service. Imagine how that could help you sell!

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